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【视频】| 影响我大学生活的人,原来是您。 托福新思维-安庆环球教育


一档关于最新托误导宏 福考试
写作新思路的Talk Show.
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托福新思维想解决的问题是广大托福考生的一大痛点,那就是面对写作题目,没想法,没思路,没话可说,没的可写。同时我们对考试回顾这个显然是更严肃,更认真,更深刻,我们不仅把好的思路分享给你萌宝满天飞 ,同时还会把基于这个思路的满分作文分享给你。
能做到这一点是因为我们有最专业的托福团队支持有价值的内容娜奥美丽莎 ,在托福行业我们很自信的说是独树一帜。
Which one of the factors is most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities?
A. Having access to theuniversity tutorswho can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty instudy.
B. Having the help and encouragement from thefamily and friends.
C. Havingexcellent teachersin high school who can help the students before the university.
Use yourownwords to illustrate you point. Don’t use your memorized examples.
观点选脚镯吧 取:C
大学的学习一定要有自己的思想和观点,再不能还是只听老师讲课,被动的吸收老师所讲的内容再循环乐队 。这就需要大学生要也有独立思考的能力葛思然 。而这种能力是不可能一上大学就有的,必须依赖于在上大学之前白恩培简历 ,好的高中老师能有意识的培养学生的独立思考能力,这样到了上大学才能更好的适应大学的学习生活。
大学的学习提供给学生更多的选修课程,能够让学生开拓学术视野,进而在思考某一问题时能从不同的角度去思考,去分析,这样就不至于以偏概全,形成错误观点润和西溪郡。同样的,这样的对待知识的态度也需要在高中就要培养,到了大学才开始,也会有点太晚梨花雪后 ,让新生不能及时适应。
俗话说,兴趣是最好的老师。没有兴趣的学习一定最终走向平庸甚至是失败。大学学业的成功也不例外,特别需要对所学的专业能有强烈的兴趣。这就使得在高中阶段能有老师培养学生在某一方向的兴趣死后文,打好基础浙商证券同花顺 易表算量 ,这样当进入大学开始学习某一专业的时候,陈蓓琪学生才能发挥自己的兴趣,更加用功学习,最终取得骄傲的成绩。

Three factorsweigh heavily against(重要权衡)university education: access to helpful university tutors, the support from families and friends, and excellent teachers in high school. In so far as university is the extension of high school, one’s university studies largely depend on the quality of his high school education. This naturally directs attention to high school teachers. So in my opinion, the most important thing is to have excellent teachers in high school, who are notreluctant to(勉强的)encourage students to think independently, to learn extensively and to explore themselves actively----three abilitiesfundamental(至关重要的)to university studies.
University studies, first,necessitate(使成为必需)independent thinking. This means that university students have to develop their own ideas regarding the topics of study. They write research papers, give various presentations and join group discussions, where only new and original thoughts matter. The point here is that rather than an immediate result offamilial(家族的)support or tutoring, independent thinking iscultivated(培养)by experienced high school teachers. In other words, one is not born with independent thinking, so high school teachers who are aware of its importance prepare students well for their future college life.
Furthermore, successful university education requires students to beliberal(自由的)with knowledge. Instead of beingconfined(限制)only to their major, students in university should enjoy more chances to approach more subjects, which equips them with a large base of various knowledge. Thisultimately(最终)enables them to perceive the world from possibly different points of view, making themimmune to(对...免疫的)bias andprejudice(偏见). But it would be late for students to know this after they go to university. To help their students adapt to university, good high school teachers are well-known for their foresight to develop students’liberal attitude towards knowledge.
In addition, academic excellence in university ispremised on(以...为前提)interest. It is evident that when studying what he likes, one tends to apply himselfassiduously(刻苦地)to his studies, and therefore is more likely to achieve desirable results. If a high school teacher arouses a student’s interest in a certain field张芊芊, this student will more likely work hard in this field of study and thus produce excellent outcomes. In the United States, high school students take varied courses and discuss themselves in all possible forms王小予 , such as descriptions about one’s own interest. So it is obvious that American high school teachers fullyappreciate(欣赏)the importance of identifying students’interest.
To sum up, excellent high school teachers make efforts to foster students’abilities needed in university byconsciously(有意识的)developing student’s independent thinking, encouraging student to learn widely and facilitating students’search for true interest. So it is arguable that when it comes to helping university studies, having excellent teachers in high school carries more weight than the other two factors.
上一篇:瑜伽排课【视频】- 歌剧《江姐》特辑(上) 一气呵成却被全盘否定,阎肃“三进小黑屋”-每天一首好歌曲 下一篇:李慧珍资料【视频】- 来自1959年BBC视频 哲学家罗素晚年留给后世的话-如见阅读

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