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【视频】| 患上抑郁症是什么感觉? 故事分享-世界卫生组织

中国脱口秀明星 /A Chinese talk show star
来自澳大利亚 / Australian
“得抑郁症是什么样的感觉呢?当我听到闹钟6点响的时候,我感到难以起床。我可能到了下午三四点才想起床林慧仪,胡中惠即使起床也不想干任何事情,就是去洗个澡火力银电s ,然后继续回到床上躺着 。我开始对于朋友开玩笑的容忍度直线下降,学习或工作压力的承受能力也直线下降。那时我开始想我是不是得了抑郁症。一开始我感到难以承认我的病情,但最后我还是我承认了。其实抑郁症是可治愈的疾病。在我承认自己的病情之后,我决定寻求专业帮助鸡腿炖土豆 。医生让我将一 天中我所做的非常小的好事,写下来李珠妍 ,并在每晚睡前看一遍,提醒自己,自己是有价值的。这对我来说是非常有帮助的,我记下我白天做的小事全职刺客 ,比如帮助走丢的小女孩找到服务台。渐渐地,我觉得病情好转了。我只是想告诉你们,抑郁症是像感冒一样的疾病。如果你得了抑郁症,治好它吧。”

“How did I feel during my depression? I felt it was hard to get out of bed when my alarm rang. Even if I got up, it would be in the afternoon, and I would just take a shower and go back to bed. I started to get offended easily by my friends’ jokes. By then I started to think if I suffered from depression. It was really hard for me to admit that I suffered from depression in the first place, but eventually I did. However, depression is an illness and it can be treated. After admitting it I decided to seek professional help. The doctor asked me to write down the little nice things I have done in one day and read them before I go to bed to remind me that I wasn’t useless. And I did. I wrote down some little things that I did during the daytime, like I helped a little girl who was lost to the reception table. Little by little I felt better, better and better. I just want to say, that depression is an illness稀拉克儿 , like a cold, if you have itかすみ果穂, just cure it.”

模特 /Model
来自日本 / Japanese
“当我爸爸打电话给我的时候,我第一次在他面前哭了花月婷。就在那时我觉得自己出了问题。在那之前的很长一段时间,我一直很低落。白日一梦 我从没见过太阳,因为我总是盯着地面。我身边的朋友很担心,就在那时我爸爸给我打了电话九三大豆油 ,他之前很少打电话来。在接到爸爸的电话之后,他让我回家。我回家以后,每天就在想怎么自杀爱新觉罗启功 。后来我去看了医生,医生告诉我是抑郁症。我那时候就在想,一半认为自己不可能得抑郁症,另一半认为自己的确出了问题。在日本,关于抑郁症的讨论很少。我感到好转以后就回到了中国,但仍然没有完全痊愈东方符斗祭 。有一次由于天气原因我和一位日本先生被困在了酒店里。我了解到他的哥哥过去患有重度抑郁症。这位先生对于抑郁症很有研究。那天晚上我们聊了很久。和他聊过之后牵牛星李剑 ,我感觉好多了。多亏有了他,我渐渐康复了斗破之化魔 。”

“I cried for the first time in front of my father when he called me. That was how I realized there was something wrong. Before that, I was down for a really long time. I never saw the sun, because I was always staring at the ground. My friends around me were worried珍品网官网, and that was when I got a call from my father who rarely called me before. I went back to Japan after that call, but all I could think of was killing myself. I went to the doctor, and he told me about depression. Half of me thought that it was impossible for me to have depression. The other half of me believed that there must be something wrong with me. In Japan, depression is a rarely discussed topic. I returned to China when I was feeling a bit better, but still not fully recovered yet. There was one time where I got stuck in a hotel with a Japanese gentleman because of the weather. Turned out, his elder brother had suffered from severe depression in the past. The gentleman had done a lot of research on depression. We talked a lot that night. I felt so much better after talking to him. Thanks to him, I managed to fully recover.”
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