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【视频】| 行为艺术家Boris Nieslony纪录短片 MA-艺术咖啡馆

Boris Nieslony四季流浪 ,Koan Daily Life Plot五公经 ,2017
由 Gerald Harringer拍摄的纪录短片“Ma”
Boris Nieslony的故事
以及Boris Nieslony梦想旅程的场面

Screenplay: Gerald Harringer, Boris Nieslony
Directed by: Gerald Harringer
Edited by: Gerald Harringer & Dieter Strauch
Camera (Super 8): Michael Ruhsam & Dieter Strauch
Music: Thomas Reinhart
Narrator: Otto David
Assistant: Helena Balaouras
Produced by: Die Fabrikanten (Austria, 2003)
"A long long time ago, I dreamed of a field, a large field, outside a city. I see the dream again very clearly before me: gray, cement-colored balls are coming from the sky. They float down towards the earth and the closer they come, the bigger they get. On the outside they have no incisions, openings, doors or anything, like spaceships, and it occurs to me that they are like Leibniz' monads, completely closed hermetically in themselves, like some kind of primal things. They land on the earth and lots of people come and stand around them, and then doors open and figures come out on the steps. They look like gummi-bears, just as colorful, they are just those same colors. I find it exciting, I just watch curiously, and all at once there is this uncanny feeling, as though the crowd is suddenly afraid. And so it is. Suddenly they are afraid and that turns into aggressiveness, and then the first people start picking up stones and I scream: No, no, don't do anything龙鳞宝刀, that's completely normal, no ..... But then people start throwing stones and I say: Well, if that's how it is, then you need to get out of here. And then I ran away."

"I dreamed I was sitting in a car and all around me were many people I knew from Cologne. We drove along a street and I looked out the window with interest. On the right side I saw houses, bleak and gray. A very long stretch of a block of houses. On the left I saw mountains and people like those in Tibet北门扯把子, living their everyday life and doing ordinary things. Some of them live in houses that are built into and by the mountain. I keep looking right, then left and back again. From the front seat, someone turns around and says to me that I should finally stop deceiving myself."

"In my dream I wander along the Italian coast near Genoa and come to a cliff, look down and see a large bay that can only be entered from the sea. All my attempts to climb down the cliff fail. I go to the south side to the sea, and suddenly I see lots of strange animals in the bay. I manage to climb into the bay over rocks reaching far out into the sea, and then I see a hut that has no door and no windows, but openings instead. The hut is painted light blue on the outside.
I notice that it is already late in the evening and I can no longer return. I decide to spend the night in the hut. Then I wake up超级能源强国 , because the water is swirling around me and I know now that I will drown. I experience this quite calmly, though, and I drown calmly, too."

"Yesterday I dreamed of a meadow, where a black crow was being hacked to death by four white crows. Then I am standing around with a group of people何美璇 , who start moving slowly. I don't know the people. I keep trying to ask something, but get no answer. The people start turning and moving in one direction. I follow them and we come to the lattice gate of a wicker fence. The people go through it, some of them have lambs on their shoulders. They are all shepherds. But they won't let me through. I stand at the gate and ask again if I can go through. One turns around, comes back and says: The triangular partition isn't like that. You have to do it that way赛道阀芯 , but intuitively pay attention to something else. The word and the partition is not the right thing. Then the people disappear."

"In my dream I am standing at a train station in the country. I wander around the ticket hall and notice a number of flyers with pictures of angels. I start collecting them all, although I am afraid I might be doing something wrong, go to the platform and see a train coming. I see that it is a train going in the other direction. I go behind the station building to a newspaper kiosk. There I see a man reading an Arabic newspaper. I look into it briefly and see a large picture of an angel there, too. I ask the man if it is a newspaper from today. He says yes and I go into the kiosk to buy the newspaper, which I leave in the station building again later. Waiting for the train, I say to myself out loud: But I mustn't forget my angel."

波里斯·涅斯洛尼(Boris Nieslony)1945年10月2日生于德国的格里马(Grimma),国际著名行为艺术家、策展人。

波里斯·涅斯洛尼不仅是一名行为艺术家,同时他还是行为艺术活动及事件的策展人和研究者。自1980年以来,波里斯·涅斯洛尼从未停止过他的行为艺术创作及其研究柯受良葬礼 ,如今他在德国科隆构建了欧洲最大的行为艺术档案馆,其资料几乎囊括了世界上所有类型的行为艺术家和行为艺术样式何广位 。波里斯·涅斯洛尼不仅是“黑市国际(Black Market International)”的创始人之一,他还是欧洲“艺术服务协会(Art Service Association)”的创办者。1977-1978年间,波里斯·涅斯洛尼分别联合创办了Hamburg Kunstlerhaus和Kleinen Ausstellungsraum,两者后来成为德国唯一不断举办展览和演出的场所。1995年,他组织了“Permanent Performance Art”行为艺术会议,致力于探索行为艺术理论与实践之间的出口,随后该会议又举行了十五次。三十多年以来,波里斯·涅斯洛尼参与过欧洲大大小小的行为艺术组织和协会,通过多年的努力,他一直以来的想法最爆伴娘团,构建“行为艺术网络”也随之诞生兰大一院 。

时至今日圣哥传 ,正由于波里斯·涅斯洛尼的个人独立的艺术态度以及这三十多年的坚持,实现“艺术的邂逅(Art of Begegnung)”已不再是乌托邦的构想,并已经遍布世界各地。

Boris Nieslony 西安终南山 2017
艺术的桃源 生活的道场

每周五晚 20:30-22:00
Xi'an, Ban Po International Art District B1-29
Xiang Xishi Center For Contemporary Art, Art Cafe

这 里 除 了 咖 啡 , 只 有 音 乐 和 艺 术
艺术咖啡馆(ART CAFE)是相西石当代艺术中心在古都西安推出的集音乐、艺术、人文和诗歌于一体的艺术场所,由位于半坡遗址旁的西北一印旧址的厂房改造而成,这里曾经是前苏联援建的西北纺织工业基地“遗迹”之一李宰镇。



艺术咖啡馆(ART CAFE)隶属于相西石当代艺术中心,该艺术中心是一所非营利的综合性艺术机构,盛宣鸣 由艺术家相西石发起筹建,2013年该中心进驻西安半坡国际艺术区。



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