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【视频】| 聆听音乐才女——Amanda赵妍考取美国波士顿学院的动人感言 优秀学员专访-梦想旋律音乐

初次见到Amanda,便感觉到了她身上的灵气。现在的她,活力,阳光,不经意的笑容里流露出成熟中的自信和美。今年她拿到了美国波士顿学院的通知根雕吧 ,一个属于梦想和收获的季节,也有那么一段属于梦想旋律的音乐历程。钢琴在她的世界里是如此的不可取代联金所官网,在喜悦时给予欢愉,在沮丧时赋予力量。今天我们一起走进这位Amanda的钢琴世界,聆听她真实动人的声音,感受那份对钢琴浓浓的爱。
C o n c e r t p h o t o
注:波士顿学院(Boston College,简称BC)成立于1863年,是一所私立顶级研究型大学, 为波士顿五大名校(哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、塔夫茨大学、波士顿学院、布兰迪斯大学)之一。BC历史悠久,在美国享有声望问鼎三界 ,是全美25所”新常春藤“名校。
— 2014年梦想旋律音乐会Amanda演奏《肖邦第一叙事曲》—

Trust me, piano wasn't easy, but it's worth it. —— Amanda

My entire childhood wasdedicated to spiting my older sister. She was my polar opposite in ways ranging from interests to personalities, so whatever she didn't to do一品皇贵妃 , I would do it with unparalleled enthusiasm; whatever she didn't like, I would love with a burning passion. Piano happened to fall into this category. My sister was seven years my elder and had already played the piano for a few a years. For her, every practice was a battle of tears and frustration. Piano just wasn't her thing. So of course, I did everything in my power to make it mine.
Although my initial incentive for taking piano lessons did not lie purely in the music, I quickly developed a genuine love for the instrument. As I breezed through practice books and found myself playing songs that I recognized from concerts, I began loving the music more and more, playing the piano for hours each day (even though my sister already quit years priors). As practicing changed to playing唯一的小宇, I realized it was all about perspective. Sure, perfecting your piano skills can be boring, frustrating, and tiring, but if you're able to put those thoughts down and truly listen to the music you're creating, you'll find that beauty is right at your fingertips. Only once you start doing things for yourself, will you discover everything it can offer.
Believe it or not, piano became fun. I began to sneak into my school's theater at night to playDebussyon the grand piano,and would get so lost in theominousmusic that I would have to sprint out of the theater, overwhelmed with a sense of fear and paranoia. Music makes you feel like nothing else can. And when you'e the one making the music卫岗天天订 , it can be transformed into an outlet for any situation.
Of course, this is a gradual process.It took years of repetitive scales and grueling Hanon variations to get to where I am today.Luckily for me, I hadteacher Zhou by my side through it all, reminding me that nothing good comes easy.Trust me, piano wasn't easy, but it's worth it.

我的整个童年都在致力于和我的姐姐唱反调。她从兴趣和性格都跟我截然相反,所以她不喜欢做什么,钱景峰 我就会有无比的热情,她不喜欢什么高丽雯,我就爱的不行。钢琴就恰恰是在这种逻辑下出现的。我姐姐比我大7岁,已经弹钢琴有一些年了妖孽传说 。对于她,每一次练习都是与挫折和眼泪的战争。钢琴不属于她。所以当然,我竭尽所能让她属于我段良伟。
尽管我学钢琴的动机并不是纯粹的因为音乐,但我迅速的爱上了这个乐器。当我轻松的视奏练习曲谱并在音乐会的演奏中找到自我,我发现我越来越热爱音乐,每天都会弹上几个小时(尽管我姐姐已经好几年前就不练了)。随着循序渐进的练习,我意识到所有这一切都在于你的想法。所以完善钢琴技巧是让人厌烦、懊恼并且困乏的,但是如果你把那些想法放下至尊兑换 ,并真正的去倾听你正在创造的音乐,你将发现那手指尖流动的真正的美。只有当你开始为自己而弹,你就会发现一切你想发现的东西。
Amanda Zhao
July 2017

With Friend Sarah
*Sarah 梦想旋律音乐优秀学员,现就读于普林斯顿大学。
Joy. piano

Love. piano
2007起,陪伴她学习钢琴及音乐理论课程至今,见证了她在音乐方面一点一滴的成长过程,Amanda谦虚好学、好问、对音乐有极大的学习热情,无论在学琴过程中遇到任何困难普陀山求子 ,她总是坚持不懈、努力的克服。十年来不断的参加各类英皇考试及国内国际比赛灌南天气预报,她音乐功底殷实倪岳峰简历 ,技巧过硬、表现力强,是个演出、比赛型选手,考试取得的高分成绩及国内国际比赛的奖项数不胜数。2013年8月,14岁的她一次性通过演奏级diploma的三项考试,她用8年的学习摘下了演奏级的桂冠。2017她被Boston college录取,祝贺她取得的优异成绩!
—— 周彦老师

In Competition

Dream Melody
孩子天赋花开 从梦想旋律开始
上一篇:霍晓红蓝色理想小区业主:坚定地走出维权之路,正确把握维权方向-蓝色春虫虫 下一篇:新萍踪侠影全集【视频】- 新番情报 动画《迷你刀使》放送情报、官网角色页面公开-次元动漫控

繁华落尽 转瞬即逝
